Prevent A Fall

25% of Seniors age 65+ FALL every year. Falls are common and costly, yet many are preventable. Proactive tips include: Exercise to improve your strength and balance, Get your feet and eyes checked annually, and Talk with your healthcare professionals about falling, anxiety of falling and feeling unsteady. Make your home safe by removing trip hazards (stuff on the floor, small throw rugs, floor plants). Safety-proof your bathroom with grap bars, non-slip and bright lights. Wear ample-support, well-fitting shoes at all times (inside & outside). Watch where you’re walking, use handrails and don’t overindulge in drugs & alcohol. Let’s stop the falls!

Flexibility, Endurance and Strength

Almost 50% of Americans age 65+ report experiencing pain, possibly from ligaments & tendons becoming “stiff & leathery” and cartilage between joints wearing away. Exercising for Flexibility, Endurance and Strength may provide some relief. Flexibility exercises might include stretching, swimming, yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi; Endurance activities like walking, biking, low-impact aerobics and swimming increase your heart rate; and Strength exercises target specific muscles in your upper and lower body usually using repetitions, light weights or bands. Check with your medical professionals before beginning or changing your exercise routine. More info: Fit for 50 youtube vids Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Ability, Exercises to Relieve Sore Muscles, aarp.comThe best exercises for Achy Backs, Knees, Hips and more,,

WE are Changing Aging

We are reframing aging. Experts research, evaluate and report on it, yet WE DO IT each and everyday. And although older adults are all not the same, many (like you) have embraced the challenge of aging. Lifestyle choices including physical activity, brain-engagement, minimum alcohol and tobacco consumption contribute as much as 70% of variance in aging, especially memory and cognitive functions (Tucker-Drob, 2014). Healthier Seniors mean healthier & happier individuals, families, friends and communities, plus society benefits through lower healthcare costs, increased productivity, accumulated wisdom and more. So we’re giving YOU a shout out for embracing living long and living well every single day.

Discover your Creativity

Creativity swelled in Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson Moses) at age 78 when she began painting and then went on to become a beloved American folk painter. Her work, “Checkered House” is shown above. Creativity, an active and flexible mind helps our brain stay engaged which results in less cognitive decline. The creative passion and new goals help keep our brain active (Schaie & Willis). Forms of creativity including poetry, painting, song writing, baking, sculpting, writing, knitting, listening to music or whatever you pursue lifts life enrichment and is associated with increasing emotional well-being. As Grandma Moses said, “Life is what you make it, always has been, always will be.” Let’s make ours more creative!

Ease Aging with a Positive Attitude

Ease aging with a positive attitude. Happy Seniors have fewer mobility challenges and health problems including diabetes, heart disease, cancer & strokes (University College, London). Things that help positivity: Exercise, Be purposeful, Laugh-watch funny shows & videos, Continue learning, Spend time with loved ones, Stay current & involved, and get more information by clicking the live link.

Stand up Straight

Our mommas were right. Poor posture limits our range of motion, lung capacity and increases shoulder and neck pain. We shrink about 1/2 inch every 10 years after the age of 30 and at age 70 the rate may increase due to bone density loss and the cartliage between each back vertebra hardening. Tips to help our posture: Practice erect posture, Exercise, Strengthen our core, Try Pilates or Yoga, Eat Healthy, Don’t Smoke and see your medical professionals as needed (Harvard Health).

Long term & Positive

Although it’s an interesting time to be living/aging in the US, we’re thinking long term and positive. On our list: Lots of folks are in our same boat-Byy 2040, 20% of Americans will be age 65+ (up from 12% in 2000) and heads of households age 80+ will be the fastest growing demographic (; Technology including telemedicine, in-home monitoring, self-driving cars, robots and devices will be part of our daily routines; and New medicines and therapies will help us live even longer and healthier (note: the FDA is reviewing Alzheimer’s treatments now and breakthroughs are close); and We are hopeul that aging won’t be dreaded, it simply will be a part of a fantastic life.

Resilience is Ours

As part of the Post War Baby Boom generation, we’ve experienced Civil Rights, JFK, MLK Jr, Bobby, Vietnam War, Woodstock, Peace & Love, Cold War, MoTown, Watergate, Disco, MTV, the start of the Internet, Y2K, 9-11, Dot com bubble, Going green, Smart phones, BLM and now COVID-19. Plus the good, bad and ugly of our own health challenges, personal reltationship and financial swings. WOW! We are resilient. Aging and experience build our ability to cope and grow (Agronin, 2018). And everyday is a new opportunity. Oh, it’s not all champagne & roses. Yet we choose to get up, engage and learn, all while building our endurance and becoming more resilient.

Less Cognitive Decline

A healthy brain means a lower risk of cognitive decline which is directly related to heart and blood vessel health. The brain makes up 2% of a person’s body weight, yet consumes 20% of its oxygen and energy. Suggestions for better brain health: Exercise, Keep learning, Socialize, Eat healthy, Sleep 7.5 to 9 hours nightly, Manage your stress and do Mental Exercises like reading, puzzles, games, listening to classical music, etc. For more info: These Preventive Measures Might Help Delay Dementia or Cognitive Decline by Judith Graham (Kaiser Health News), Six Steps to Cognitive Health (Harvard Health), 10 Ways to Love Your Brain -Alzheimer’s Association.

Keep Movin’

Your neighborhood, park or local arboretum is a fantastic place to continue your walks as we head into winter. Walking for Seniors strengthens joints, muscles and bones plus it helps lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. We go mid-morning, wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water. If you are a step-counter aim for 7,500-10,000 steps. Keep in mind that even 4,400 steps per day deliver health improvements (Harvard Women’s Health).

We Are Strong

Over a handful of decades in our rearview with experiences that have elated or challenged us. Many say we learn the most from difficulities-maybe yours include the loss of loved one(s), health challenges, career disruptions, personal choices that weren’t optimal or whatever. These contribute to our growth and solidity. Let’s use this learned fortitude and reslience to face aging today. Then tomorrow. And repeat the next day. Let’s stay strong, safe and focus on being fantastic!

“Foot Lose”

As we age, even our feet change – they flatten, become wider, develop nail & skin conditions and may lose circulation. Keep ’em: 1)Clean with a regular pedicure or Sports Soak (guy-type), or wash them separately with a cloth or sponge; then dry completely. 2)Wear the right shoes and size. Wearing flats or athletic shoes lowers our risk of falls. You may need the wide-toe styles, as well. 3)Moisture dry feet to prevent cracking & flaking. 4)Keep your feet moving – swimming and cycling are easy on your feet; walking and simple stretches help circulation. 5) Maintain a healthy weight, so as not to put extra strain on your feet and ankles. 6) See a medical professional as needed.

Soothing Sleep

We need between 7.5-9 hours of sleep, yet many Seniors report fragmented and lighter sleep. Tips: Stick to a regular schedule (don’t binge on distressing news before going to bed), Avoid long naps during the day, Drink less at night (alcohol and other liquids), Exercise during the day and Breathe fresh air (in thru the nose, out slowly thru the mouth) (webmd) Make your bedroom an Official Sleep Zone in a quiet area of the house – calm wall color, dark curtain, no tv or devices. Good sleepers tend to be less depressed, have better cognitive skills and lower their risk of night falls.

Music is Mind Medicine

Music is mind medicine. Research associates it with improved memory, motivation and brain activity, plus lowered stress, anxiety and even pain levels (Johns Hopkins). Compare this to constant exposure to negative news which stirs feelings of pessimism or disapproval that can elevate sleeplessness, stress, anxiety and depression (Dr. Graham Davey). Of course we need to stay informed, yet we’ll Sing. Listen. Create. Music. We can do this!

Laughter Best Medicine

Laughter. Laughter therapy. Laughter yoga. Laughter benefits for Seniors include muscle relaxation, pain decrease, stress and tension lessens, endorphins increase, blood flow increases and laughter may add years to your life. So watch & read something funny, connect with people who tickle your funny bone, do silly things or engage in fun activities. For more info: Mayo Clinic Mindness: Laughter for Stress Relief is No Joke.

Flower Powers

A dose of nature, especially flowers are linked to greater happiness and life satisfaction (Rutgers University). When flowers are present, Seniors experience an increase in mood, memory tasks and personal memories. Reap the benefits with a pre-arranged bouquet, your own pots or simply strolling past a blooming lilac bush on the way to the postoffice.

Add a friend

Add a friend. It may be even tougher today to make new friends especially during COVIS-19, yet we are sure your 10-year-OLDER-self will reap the benefits of better physical, mental and emotional health. As your area opens up and you are feeling healthy and confident, here are some suggests: Check out for ideas and what is available in your area. Join a hobby club, exercise class, continuing education online or on-ground class, religious group, Volunteer, Work part-time, Get your neighbors together, Go to the gym, Do what you love or Explore something new. Have faith, your friendships will develop, just remember the “trust” process takes a bit of time. Have fun with with your “friends” adventure!

CBD Information Series, Plus Q & A by Kyle & Heather Steppe

Family business owners, Kyle & Heather Steppe opened KC Hemp Co in Overland Park, Kansas a couple of years ago. Both have personal experience using CBD to better their health and life. At this time, KC Hemp Co is selling online.

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been resurrected from the natural health grave. As a component of the cannabis plant, it has received a lot of unfortunate backlash. Did you know up until the 1930’s people were more than likely prescribed a tincture of cannabis from their doctor for a wide variety of ailments including; sleep, arthritis, nausea, and stomach pain? It wasn’t until the 1930’s that propaganda came after the cannabis plant and buried its therapeutic potential in fear mongering and racism. Now, almost 90 years later, we are finally able to bring it out of the shadows and into the light, unveiling its true natural healing properties, possibly providing an answer to the horrifying opioid crisis, and showing that the infamous “reefer madness” is just that, madness.

Fear not Fantastic 55er’s, we here at KC Hemp Co. will provide answers to some of the common questions you may have surrounding CBD and cannabis in general. Over the next few weeks we will talk all about cannabis and the different components of it to help you in your journey to natural and holistic health alternatives.

 For now, we will start with the basics.

 What is CBD? CBD is a cannabinoid found within the cannabis plant. It is only one of hundreds but one of the more popular and well known of the lot. It has shown promising therapeutic properties not only within personal testimonies but also through scientific studies, illuminating its potential. The second most known cannabinoid is THC, this is the cannabinoid that is responsible for the “high” associated with the plant. There are still only a small amount of studies available as studying the cannabis plant has been illegal for a long time. We are finally starting to see a lift on that ban and will start seeing much more research coming out in the months and years ahead.

 How does CBD work and what can it do? CBD works by interacting with your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). You’ve heard of the cardiovascular system, the endocrine and exocrine systems but probably never the Endocannabinoid System. Discovered in the 1990’s, we are finding this system exists within most living creatures, even earth worms! This system is responsible for creating homeostasis, or balance, within the body. This responsibility was once thought to be put on the thyroid but we are finding even the ECS can balance that!

 It has shown promise to help people with everything from depression and anxiety to arthritis and high blood pressure. When you think of these ailments that plague the body, they are caused by an imbalance somewhere! By activating our Endocannabinoid System with CBD, we are able to let our bodies balance, from the inside out, and start to heal itself!

Does CBD work for everyone?No, CBD does not work for everyone or every condition. Studies have shown that about 80% of people who try CBD have seen relief from their ailments while 20% reported no change. With that being said, ensuring you are using the right CBD product with proper dosing can improve your chances of seeing great results with these products. Everyone’s Endocannabinoid System is different and requires a different dose or method of taking CBD. It is recommended you speak with one of our highly trained and qualified associates to help find the right product to maximize your results and develop a customized CBD regimen.

Will CBD get me high? Will it show up on a drug screen? CBD is the non-psychotropic component of the cannabis plant so you will not get “high” from taking it nor is it tested for on drug screens. On the other hand, THC is the psychotropic component of the plant and will be tested for on a drug screen. Our KC Hemp Co. products are THC-FREE so you do not have to worry about failing a drug screen or getting high. On our website, we have indicated which products are considered “full spectrum” meaning they contain small amounts of THC that could potentially show up on a drug screen though they are in such small amounts that they will not get you high. Please read all product descriptions thoroughly before purchasing a product, or contact us via phone and we will walk you through our products.

Does CBD interact with other medications? Research shows that CBD can interact with other medications. Always consult your doctor before using CBD. The main interactions occur with blood thinners, high blood pressure medication, steroids and small class of antipsychotic drugs. If your medicine requires that you stay away from grapefruit, it is recommended you do not use CBD. For more information on drug interactions please consult your physician.

How long does it take to work? This depends completely on your own body. Some people see results immediately and others take weeks before you notice a difference. Make sure to listen to your body and adjust your dosing to find the perfect amount of CBD for you. If you need help adjusting the dose or don’t know where to start, please contact us and we will be happy to help you through the process.

 Fan55 Mary Beth Asks:

Q: “I am a stage 3 breast cancer survivor I had chemo, double mastectomy with 23 lymph nodes removed and radiation. Do you have products that help alleviate some of the joint pain and scar tissue pain I am experiencing?”

A: Mary Beth, people have reported that CBD has provided great relief both during and after cancer treatments. One of the most common uses of CBD is for inflammation related pain, specifically in the joints.  We have seem great success for this specific ailment when people use a tincture. This is the most common method people use when they take CBD oil. It goes directly under the tongue with a metered dropper to carefully measure your dose. As always, we recommend starting with a low dose and slowly titrating up until you find the dose that works best for your condition. With regards to the scar tissue, using a topical CBD option could potentially help decrease the appearance. As aforementioned, there are not a lot of clinical studies to support this recommendation but we can say we have had a lot of personal experience, and relayed testimony from customers to support these suggestions.

Most importantly, for anyone looking to purchase CBD, ensure you are purchasing from a reputable source. To identify a reputable source, look for a company that uses organic ingredients, has third party lab testing and make sure they do not add harmful additives or fillers. This ensures you are getting a pure product and increases your chances of a successful journey with CBD.

No Fall Zone

  25% of Americans ages 65+ fall each year and about half of those are in the home (NCOA, National Council on Aging). Since we are spending most of our time at home, let’s be safe. Wear Shoes! because socks are a slip-hazard. Wear comfy clothes that aren’t baggy as overly loose clothes can get caught on drawer handles or under foot. Get rid of cludder in your hallways, stairways and where you normally walk. Re-think rugs especially the ones that slide or are thick. Replace bulbs with the brightest recommended or LED bulbs and use your handrails. As Benjamin Franklin said in 1736, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

And Breathe…

Deep breaths lower stress and signal our brain, and then our body to calm down and relax lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Belly Breathing: Sit or lie comfortably. Put one hand just below your ribs and the other on your chest. Breathe in thru your nose (your tummy will bloat with air). Breathe out thru puckered lips. Your tummy hand will move inward then lightly push to completely exhale. Slowly repeat 3-10 times (Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Stree Relief UofM Health).

Navigate with Resilience

Resilience helps us navigate aging.  Build and nurture positive and supportive relationships, Look for the lesson in challenging times, Choose optimism, Be selectively proactive and Accept change are suggestions presented in S. Alidina’s book, The Mindful Way Through Stress. And remember, managing stress helps our body, brain and heart.

Self-Care is Smart Care

Self-care is Smart Care. Now is the time to prioritize YOU! Here are some low cost, yet highly effective to do’s: Eat healthy foods (fruits, veggies, extra protein); Exercise 2.5 hours each week; Sleep well- quality sleep helps your mood and energy; Do what makes you happy and fulfilled; and Manage your medications properly. More info 7 Ways to Step Up Your Self-Care as You Age by Patricia Corrigan,, 8-28-19 and Self-Care is not an Indulgence. It is a Discipline by Tami Forman,, 12-13-17. 

To Nap or Not?

Napping (usually 20-30 minutes) delivers benefits of reduced stress and feelings of relaxation. They help rejuvenate us to finsh the day active and strong. And a recent study (Johns Hopkins University) found an afternoon nap of about 1-hour may improve memory and thinking skills. If you decide to nap, take them in the early afternoon, in a restful place and set a timer (napping shouldn’t be so long as to interfere with your sleep schedule). More info at Hour-long Naps May Boost Mental Ability for Older Adults by Honor Whiteman, 9-9-2017 and Napping: Do’s and don’ts for Healthy Adults, 

Walk On

Walk on. Especially for the 55+, regular walking helps burn calaroies & manage weight, helps our brain by giving it more oxygen, strengthens our bones & muscles, and improves our balance & coordination making us less likely to fall. Walking gives us time to process our world/life and improves our mood by producing stress-busting endorphins. Step it up to a brisk walk for maximum benefit and track your progress.

Brain Health + Blood Pressure

Brain health and blood pressure are related declares a new study from U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). People who had little control over their blood pressure are at risk for white matter accumulation in their brain leading to mental decline and dementia. Controlling your blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease and cognitive loss.

You know the drill – get checked (now even more reasons to do so), stay healthy and nudge a friend to do the same. More info at Controlling Blood Pressure May Help Ward Off Dementia by Robert Preidt, and High Blood Pressure Dangers: Hypertension’s Effects on Your Body by Mayo Clinic Staff,

Seniors Socializing Aids Well-Being

“Let’s get together!” Behavioral finance research shows social spending like going for coffee, dinner or vacations with friends increases life satisfaction. Spending time with a spouse in a strong marriage tops the list. Buying stuff didn’t notably raise life satisfaction (Finke, American College of Financial Services). More information at Happily Ever After: How to Help Retirees Make Lifestyle Choices They’ll Love,, 9-3-19

Hip to Be Healthy

It’s hip to be healthy. Even light exercise like walking, bowling and gardening can lower the risk of a broken hip especially in women (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Activity helps your agility, balance and muscle strength. Plus your bones will be healthier when you get the recommended daily amounts of calcium and Vitamin D. Your physician can help and may order bone density screenings for more information.

Tea Party Time

Tea Pary Time! Benefits of drinking tea include: Brain Health stimulation which lowers cognitive decline; Stress Relief by lowering stress hormones; and drinking Green Tea is associated with Mood Improvement; Adding Antioxidants; Lowering blood pressure and heart disease. Pour a little milk into your tea to aid bone strength, too.

Drinking tea make us smile and think of Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote, “A woman is like a tea bag–you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. For more on Seniors and drinking tea go to Daily Consumption of Tea May Protect the Eldery from Cognitive Decline, Study Suggests,

Step Count

Getting in plenty of steps is sometimes challenging in January! 10,000 steps are the goal for many, yet a new Brigham and Women’s Hospital study of older women (average age 72) suggests 7,500 steps may be just as beneficial to live longer. So how do we get our steps in… wear walking shoes throughout the day-when a break arises we are ready to go, walk where it is safe & interesting, target a time of day, measure steps, listen to music or a podcast, walk with a pal or group or whatever helps You to get movin’

We CAN Delay Alzheimer’s

Harvard professor: Healthy Living CAN delay Alzheimer’s recommends SHIELD: Sleep for 7-8 hours per night, Handle stress successfully, Interact with others, Exercise, Learn new things, Diet rich in fiber. Rudolph Tanzi, Harvand professor Medical School Neurology and author, tesitified in front of the Senate with this message just days ago. Tanzi is the author of  “Super Genes” and The Healing Self” books. More info Healthy Living Can Delay Alzheimer’s. LettingSeniors Work Longer Saves Medical Costs, Senate Told by Ted Knuston, 9-25-19

Coping with Holiday Isolation

Don’t miss “Coping with Isolation at the Holidays” by guest blogger, Heather Thomas. Her thoughtful words comfort and inspire us, yet most importantly remind us that we are not alone. Heather offers positive steps for the Extroverts and Introverts among us. She adds a reading list, movie list and live links to organizations that may be of help. We sincerly appreciate Heather sharing her important insights with us.

Meditate for Mind Health

Meditation helps Seniors stay present plus keeps our mind sharp and focused. To start, take 20 minutes each day to meditate by sitting comfortably and still then close your eyes, focus on your natural breathing or another focus point. Take a class, get a coach or check out more info at The Many Benefits of Meditation for Older Adults by Heidi Godman,, 6-22-18

Schedule Silence

Schedule Silence to release tension in the brain and body, have better focus and memory, heighten sensitivity, aid in brain growth in the hippocampus and improve sleep. In our world of tv, smart phones, music and loud traffic, let’s take time to remember that Silence is really Golden. More information in 5 Health Benefits of Being Silent For Your Mind and Body by Lizette Borreli, 9-2016

Alzeheimer’s Drug Files FDA Approval

Biogen announced yesterday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is allowing them (Biogen and partner Eisai) to file (part of the process, no guarantee on approval) for its experimental drug, aducnumab, to treat mild Alzheimer’s disease. About 10 million Americans suffer from the disease. Reseachers found that a key protein gathers in the brain and clearing that protein keep a brain healthier. More information at CNN and video information at CNBC

Prevent Falls

About 1/3 of those 65+ fall each year.  And about 1/2  of those 80+ fall each year. We can change this! Steps to PREVENT: Remove obstacles, Add lights especially on stairs, Install shower grab bars, Use no-slip mats in the bathroom, secure or remove loose rugs, Use cabinets that are within reach, Wear sensible shoes, see your doctor with any challenges before you fall, do tai chi or yoga for balance and flexibility and more (National Council on Aging, Mayo Clinic, “Fall Prevention:Simple Tips to Prevent Falls.” Tell your friends. We can reverse this sad trend and stay upright!

Core Care

Core Care helps prevent injuries and falls, improves balance and stability and reduces pain. Your core consists of your back, abdominal, hip, pelvis and spine muscles. Exercise and stretching are the keys and you can even improve your core while watching TV. Here’s a 5 min video with gentle and simple exercises to get you started or take a class and learn from your peers.

Move More

Move more. Sit Less. Weekly guidelines: Get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity, or a combination of both. Plus, 2 tmes per week, do muscle strengthening activities like light weights, biking, resistance bands and climbing steps  (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).

Train your Brain

Brain training, eating healthy and exercise research points to improving or maintaining cognitive function. After age 65, the risk of dementia doubles approximately every 5 years. Brain-training activities: Memory games, Draw a map, Research a new topic, Read a how-to book, Learn a new language, Take a class, Learn to play a musical instrument and more. Think of your brain health like a 3-rung stool – first the brain needs exercises, second a healthy diet helps and third, exercise and and keep your vascular system healthy (the brain needs oxygen which is carried via blood to the brain). Find more information online including Brain Training for Seniors, In Search of Brain Training That Works by Sarah Toy, and This is The Only Type of Brain Training That Works, According to Science by Michael Grothaus, Fast Company.

Powerhouse Purpose

Purpose in your life leads to better health and a longer life. A JAMA Psychiatry report confirms that people with purposeful lives are less stressed and more engaged which leads to better cognitive and physical health. And finding or re-framing your purpose at 55+ may come to you or you may have to work at developing it. Good news-at this stage in life you are probably #1 in charge, you can tap into resources and learn from others. Tell us about your purpose-your journey may help others. For more information check out Seniors with Strong Sense of Purpose Often Live Stronger, by Judith Graham,


One Thing. Do one extra thing TODAY to lift your physical, mental or emotional health. Just one. Laugh. Add a block to your walk. Call a friend. Buy yourself a treat (you deserve it). Sing a song. Smile. 💝This aging thing is not easy, so be good to yourself and inspire us with your One Thing by emailing💝

Alzheimer’s Update

Alzheimer’s research is advancing as 5.6 Million Americans battle it. Recently pathogens (oligomers) have been identifited as tiny clumps of protein in patients’ brains with the disease, so drug strategies are beginning. Meantime, YOU can help yourself: 1)Exercise 2)Learn something new 3)Socialize 4)Maintain healthy blood pressure 5)Eat Healthy. For more info Scientists Reveal Ground-Breaking Plan to Target Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Cambridge, and 5 Ways to Help Keep Dementia at Bay,

Science sez Smile

Make today a YOU-Day🌼Positivity and health are closely related (Johns Hopkins Medicine). Steps to help: 1)Smile more-even fake smiling helps😃; 2)Reframe-accept and be grateful; 3)Build Resiliency-strive for good relationships, accept life changes and be proactive with challenges. Our founder’s YOU included a new pair of sunglasses which really made her shine (like we almost started to worry)! More info on the research The Power of Positive Thinking, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Lisa R Yanek, M.P.H. and colleagues.

The 5 Habits

The 5 Habits that may prolong your life by a decade or more (Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health): 1)Eat healthy 2)Exercise every day 3)Maintain a healhy weight 4) Drink less alcohol 5)Don’t smoke. Yup, we are working on a few of these, too. And we welcome your suggestions and tips of triumph. More info at A 30-Year Harvard Study Reveals the 5 Simple Habits That May Prolong Your Life by 10 Years or More by John Hall,

Meditation Matters

Especially for 55+, meditation offers many benefits including helping decrease blood pressure and inflammation plus it helps with feelings of well-being and increased quality of life. Start by simply watching an online podcast, finding a class or group (ask your pals), or contact your local community or senior center, gym or retirement community. Meditation fits all budgets because it can be low-cost or no-cost. For additional info click: The Many Benefits of Meditation for Older Adults by Heidi Godman, Try Meditation podcasts: The Meditation Podcast, The Daily Meditation Podcast, Headspace and more at 5 Best Meditation Podcasts for Seniors

Talkin’ Telomeres today with Caroline Khalil. Telomeres are the protective compound at the end of chromosomes that shorten when cells divide. Shorter telomeres lead to aging and disease. Keep your telomeres longer with a healthy weight, regular exercise, lower stress (meditate) and eat healthy. This TedxNashville Talk is 15 min and Parsley Health’s What are Telomeres And How Do They Keep Us Younger Longer? add details and proactive suggestions.

Diabetes: Who Me?

Who me? 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 have diabetes. Family history is a strong risk factor. Warning signs include frequent urination, feeling very tired, increased thirst, always feeling hungry and more. Be proactive and get screened! Click for more information: American Diabetes Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health.

Sing, Sing a Song

Sing a Song for better brain health says research from Johns Hopkins. Singing, listening to music or taking a music lesson are total brain workouts that can reduce anxiety, blood pressure and pain levels. Plus they improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness and memory. Details are in Keep Your Brain Young with Music from

Muscle Power Greater Than Strength?

Muscle strength is good, yet power might be better for aging bodies. The difference? Holding or pushing a heavy object uses strength; climbing stairs-the faster you go requires power. Additionally, repeatedly rising from a chair using only your legs requires muscle power (CLINIMEX). For more info on this new research click this link to Muscle Power Might Be Key to Long Life,, by Robert Preidt.

Sitting Disease

Do you have the Sitting Disease? Although not a recognized disease, WebMD defines it as the propensity to not get enough physical activity which increases our risk for poor health as we age. Tips: Interrupt sitting with standing for 1-2 minutes, take a walk, use a standup desk, hop on the treadmill or do whatever gets you movin’. For more information click here.

Meditate More

Neuroscience suggests 50-year-olds can have the brains of 25-year-olds when they meditate (sit quietly and do nothing) even 15 minutes per day (Sara Lazar, Mass General and Harvard Medical School) as measured by gray matter. Develop your meditation habits, slow down and realize the benefits. More info in published in The Harvard Gazette,  Health & Medicine, “Eight Weeks to a Better Brain.”

Exercise: A Miracle Drug

Exercise is a miracle drug, especially group exercise for those 55+. It improves blood flow to the brain, relieves stress, lifts your mood, slows down the aging of cells and more. When you exercise in a group the social stimulation helps your psychological, physical and cognitive helath. START TODAY. We commit to walking TODAY. This information is compiled from McMaster University in Ontartio,  AARP and LIVESTRONG.

For Your Health

Satisfaction of relationships increase with age and have a positive impact on our life. Be proactive-make new friends plus keep old ones close. This can be challenging, yet your health will reap the benefits! Join a new group, volunteer, take a class, visit a local brew pub, restaurant or coffeehouse. Published in the American Society on Aging, What Social Relationships can do for Health by Sara Honn Qualls takes a deep dive into aging and social relationships.

Friends=Better Health

Keeping, making or re-connecting with friends is tougher as we mature, yet is is critical to our health. Reach out and go for coffee, lunch, a walk, tour, class or whatever. Discover shared interests and go forward from there. The Trick to Keeping Friends as We Get Older by Diane Cole, gives an in-depth look at “re-potting” friends. The graph shows age on the bottom moving from 15 years to 80 years and hours with others are tracked in multiple colors from Henrik Lindberg; US Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Time Survey, 2003-20015


Do you have trouble or pain swallowing especially steak, chicken or large bites? It might be dyshpagia (more common as we age) and if it happens often, call your doctor. Risk factors include eating too fast, taking too large of bites or not drinking enough water while eating. And it may be a problem with your esophagus or something else. If minior, steps that can help you include chewing food longer, take longer to eat, don’t eat lying down and drink more water during your meal. Click the link for in-depth information on Dysphagia.

Connections Matter as Americans Age Alone

More Americans are aging alone as discussed in this recent The Wall Street Journal article, More Than Ever, Americans Age Alone. We suggest work at staying connected, discover new interests and reach out to someone who may need you. Digital connections count, so invite your connections to join Fantastic55 or other groups that might be of assistance.

Walking Improves your Brain

Harvard University Health reports that walking improves our thinking and memory skills for seniors and baby boomers. Plus all of the heart health benefits. More information in Another Benefit of Brisk Walking, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Health Publishing, 8-2014.NEW! Hands-Only CRP  Dr. Oz shows us how   (5 min video) Nearly 500,000 people die from heart attacks each year. New thinking for those who are NOT trained professionals, encourages hands-only CPR. #1 Step: Tell someone to call 9-1-1.  Step 2: Start chest compression at 100 beats per minute – the cadence to a fast Row, Row Your Boat. Here’s the American Heart Associations Fact Sheet on Hands-Only CPR.

Blue Mind”: Why being near the water makes you happy  Scientific research presented in the book, Blue Mind: The surprising science that shows how being near, in, on or underwater can make your happier, more connected, and better at what you do, authored by Wallace J. Nichols encourages water spaces for better health. Apparently, water helps us get to a mildly meditative frame of mind which opposes our everyday over-connected over-stimulated brain.  Marla Cimini, 11-13-2017

The 7 Early Sign of Aging and How to Prevent Them Chronological age v. Physiological age?? Here are 7 Tips to help your body age slower than the calendar: 1) Help dry skin by eating fresh foods, walking more, drinking more water 2) Avoid dull skin by using moisturizer 3) Fix puffy or red eyes by wearing high UV protection sunglasses 4) Stop sagging skin with a good diet, exercise, sleep and avoid sun damage 5) Keep teeth white and avoid the yellows that come with age by visiting the dentist regularly, brushing after meals, coffee & tea. Yes, our editorial team uses the white strips, too. 6) Take care of your feet by wearing sensible, but stylish shoes (this reduces fall risk as 1/3 of us over a certain age, will take a fall) and our editors recommend pedicures, called “sport soaks” for the guys. 7) Focus on fat areas with exercise, yoga and healthy eating. Sarah Ban,, 6-6-2018

6 Ways to Get Help if your Kids Aren’t Nearby

“Tribes” or “Villages”  are hot topics these days and being in them helps in healthy aging. Here are 6 helpful tips:1)Keep in touch with new and old friends 2)Stay digitally connected to family – looking at the grandkids’ pictures, reconnecting with friends, learning from trusted websites like this one 3)Connect with nonprofits in your community that assist in the aging process 4)Consider living with others – maybe a friend or a couple of them like the Golden Girls tv show or in a co-housing community 5)Use medical and health tracking apps 6)Create a living will and designate a proxy. Kate Silver, Pfizer, 5-21-2018

Standing Wheelchairs: Information & Reviews Standing wheelchairs sometimes called a standing chair are chairs that let the user go from a sitting position to standing while still being in the chair. They improve the user’s quality of life and access to people, places and things. They have been linked to relieving back pressure in some patients. The link provides additional information, manufacturers, funding sources and more., 1-10-2016

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), using light weights during your workout helps lessen the problems of arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, back pain and depression. This 20-Minute Weight Training Workout for Seniors is an easy way to add strength training to your weekly planner. Start this in your 50’s and your body & mind will be thanking you in your 80’s. Full article by Chris Freytag,, 3-12-2018